Knowledge Is Power


The mind and the nervous system are essentially recording devices. That is why anyone can learn anything. Repeat anything enough times, and you will know it. Some things are slow to learn, and other things are quick. That is because our obstacles to learning get in the way of acquiring knowledge. Anyone can gain knowledge. Applying the understanding is where real learning takes place. And it is in using the knowledge that obstacles arise. Applying knowledge is like testing it. And in testing it, like anything else, you are bound to fail before you succeed. It is in failing that actual knowledge is acquired. When we can learn as much from what doesn't work as we do from what does without discouragement, doubt, lack of enthusiasm, or resistance, we eventually acquire knowledge through application. Like anything, with experience comes wisdom. There is no substitute for having done something over and over again 100 or 1000 times. The mind assimilates knowledge and information more easily with practice. In other words, it is like a sponge, but the more you use it, the quicker and more efficiently it absorbs information. Learning is learned just like everything else; the more we do it, the better we become at it.

The acquisition of knowledge for the sake of knowledge is limitless. Using knowledge until we master whatever it is we are applying it to takes time and requires focus and persistence. That is why mastering anything is not so easily done. Many obstacles arise along the path to mastery; without the persistence, discipline, and confidence to hold to the path, it will take longer to achieve. In many ways, mastery over our obstacles is both the inner and outer path to eventual self-mastery and mastery in any outer endeavor. Self-doubt, impatience, and lack of discipline are all obstacles that arise along the route, but our efforts are always met with opportunities to overcome such barriers. All obstacles can be overcome, removed, and let go of. Learning to avoid the barriers will only delay them to another time when they arise again. Obstacles can be the wealthiest learning experiences because, once removed, they become the channel through which new information and revived energy flow like unblocking a dam so that the river of creativity within ourselves can find new tributaries and avenues of expression.

Within every question lies the answer. When we ask a question, the answer is already within our grasp. Soon, the answer will begin trading places with the question until it is fully realized. The same is valid with all obstacles. The removal process has already started as an obstacle appears within our consciousness. We ask ourselves, “What is this obstacle? And how did it get here?” If we can see the obstacle, we can identify its cause. By identifying its cause, we can remove it simply by eliminating the cause. Redefining whatever belief caused the obstacle will remove it. Or, at the very least, shift it; the same as the flow of water can move a boulder in the stream, so can our thoughts shift a belief. In turn, a belief can change our whole reality once shifted. We see this in society and the collective all the time. Once the masses accept a limiting belief, it is adopted by the individual. And when an individual disproves a limiting belief, it becomes accepted by the masses until it no longer exists. Before man took flight, it was generally accepted to be impossible. But now, with the sky so full of planes and rockets, that belief no longer exists.

By applying mastery principles and removing doubt, we can achieve anything. It is only our beliefs that limit us. Anything is possible because the power of our belief makes it possible. It compels our minds to find an answer. The answer is there; we only need to keep searching for the truth until it is revealed. The ladder of success may have many rungs before you reach the top, but each one is a success within itself and deserves to be celebrated as much as we do for reaching the top. Success is a ladder made up of other successes. No failure is ever a waste of time unless you give up. Success will come to those who persist. Success comes from persistence!

Persistence gives us the answers we seek by compelling the universe to provide them. Our persistence provides inertia within ourselves that reverberates into the ethers, causing energy to move energy. The movement of that energy removes obstacles by compelling the universal mind to reveal its cause. And in revealing their cause, the removal process has already begun. Whatever caused the obstacle will also remove it. Because when we remove the cause, we remove the obstacle. Remove the impediment to health, and we heal; remove the obstacle to flight, and soon we soar.

If you can define where an obstacle has come from or find its cause, its removal is in removing its cause in our consciousness. That means removing whatever belief has created limitation or lack. When we remove or change the belief that created the obstacle, creative energy flows into new channels like a river, and consciousness expands into an entirely new perception of reality, transforming our lives along with it. When our beliefs change, so does our reality. Knowledge can help us positively do that. Seeking knowledge trains our brains to seek more. And the more we seek, the more we acquire.

Your desire for something compels the universe to provide it. Persistent desire compels the universe persistently until the universe absolutely must give it, even if it has never existed before. Flight is a good example. Before it was proven possible, it never existed because it hadn’t been achieved. However, through the belief that it was possible, the minds of the inventors of flight found the answers they were looking for and, through persistence and faith, achieved success. Doubt would've kept them grounded forever, but through their belief that man could fly, we all soar whenever we board the manifestation of their belief.

We all can achieve or acquire the manifestation of our desire because our desire compels the universe into action, and our faith causes the universe to provide it. Faith and desire will bring forth miracles into reality without question. Doubt will hold them back like a log will hold back the river's water. The stronger our faith and the clearer our belief, the faster our manifestation takes shape.



Empowered Living