Life’s Purpose


Finding your purpose is a matter of living a purposeful life by giving your attention, focus, and energy to everything you do in every moment. Your purpose will then unfold and reveal itself naturally, instead of waiting your whole life to wake up one morning and suddenly realize your purpose. Then, you may recognize but have yet to develop the skills or qualities to fulfill your purpose. To live a purposeful life, you must learn to look for and recognize the purpose in every moment, action, and situation. Then, you will always fulfill your life’s purpose!

Everything is your purpose! When you live from that understanding, life will lead you to your next step, then your next, and on and on. Life is a setting for your life lessons. They are always there behind the appearances of the outer world. You must only learn to look for and recognize them in every moment and situation. Then, you will see that even your life’s purpose is a setting for your life’s lessons. Soon, you will realize that everything is in perfection. And eventually, you will learn to express that perfection in everything you do. To express life’s perfection in everything you do is life’s highest purpose!

Everything is your purpose when you devote your every action joyfully and lovingly to your highest purpose and allow it to express itself through you!


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